Bigg Boss 13 contestants Hindustani Bhau and Kaanta Laga girl Shefali Jariwala celebrated Rakshabandhan as the latter shared a lovely smiling pic of them with a caption, “Mera bhai !!! @hindustanibhau ##family #love #instalove #brotherandsister #loveyou #myrock #brotherforlife. During their stint in Salman Khan’s controversial reality show, Shefali and Hindustani Bhau developed a great bond and later become siblings for life.
View this post on InstagramTalking about Hindustani bhau, Shefali Jariwala earlier told us, “I always wanted an elder brother. We are a family of sisters. Bhau is like my elder bro. You won’t believe it. He was there at my house to receive me the day I got evicted and came home. Hindustani Bhau is very active in the Whatsapp group. We share entertaining stuff in this quarantine period. He puts a lot of videos and all.”
She further said, “He is doing a lot of good work in this coronavirus crisis. Moreover, he runs a free ambulance service for patients from underprivileged backgrounds.”
On the other hand Bhau had said, “Shefali looked after me a lot inside the house. When I was unwell she would take care of my food and medicines. No one saw that. That incident will not affect my equation.”
The Kaanta Laga girl added that all the contestants have moved on and said, “The game is over now. We are very cordial for each other. I hope all of us stay well and flourish in whatever we do. I had made the TikTok video for Mere Angne Mein as a gesture for Vinay Sapru and Radhika Rao. They changed my life with Kaanta Laga. I told Asim Riaz that it was great that he was working with them.”