One of the worst things about social media is the constant trolling that happens. Diya Aur Baati Hum’s Deepika Singh learnt it the hard way when she was trolled for gaining weight post her delivery. In a chat with ETimes TV, she said, “I have been trolled a lot on social media especially for my weight gain. After giving birth to my son Soham I was 73 kgs and I had randomly shared a picture of mine without thinking much and it was my birthday, they started writing nasty stuff about me. They did not even think twice that it was my birthday. They started saying ‘you are such a big actress, you should have waited’, ‘now you won’t get any role’, ‘nobody will take her in a lead role’, ‘look at her how bad she is looking’.”
The actress said that she used the trolling as a motivation to hit the gym. She said, “But I took all these negative comments very seriously and that actually helped me to go to the gym regularly. It didn’t matter, if I didn’t sleep in the night, I regularly went to the gym. I took screenshots of all those comments and kept them as a wallpaper on my phone. Whenever I felt lazy these nasty comments helped me to hit the gym. I did cardio a lot and did cycling. I started enjoying working out and I started watching my diet as well. Ultimately, I proved them (the trolls) wrong.”
According to the actress, motherhood shouldn’t make women leave their passion, and that she feels fortunate to have a husband who has taken a break from work so that she can do a full-fledged role in a TV show.
“I feel fortunate to have such a loving husband. I didn’t tell Rohit Goyal (a director) to stop working. We have a joint family, but the love that parents give to their kids, can’t be replaced. Rohit felt that I wouldn’t be able to give a lot of time to our son Soham. He decided to take a break so that Soham doesn’t feel neglected,” Deepika told IANS.